One of the easiest ways to get involved at the ACSC is to come to our weekly worship every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Devo Room. Join us for beautiful singing, challenging lessons, and meaningful prayer. Nothing compares to praising God with 150 of your closest friends and peers! Devotionals are the main platform each week from which we communicate information to the students about retreats, service opportunities, intramurals, and other activities in our busy schedule!


All our students participate in one of our four Community Groups. Each group has two leaders and two Freshman Focus leaders who plan weekly meetings and service projects. CGs gather in homes on Sunday nights for fellowship, fun, and Bible study. Our CGs are great ways for you to grow in your faith while you are building friendships that will last for years.


Within our CGs, guys and girls form small groups of peers that are focused on deliberate spiritual influence for one another. Students strive to emulate Christ together as they learn from each other’s experiences. DGs range from regularly scheduled formal Bible studies to informal coffee meetings or Rec visits when schedules allow. You will be able to find a DG that fits into your lifestyle and adds value to your life.


For our annual Fall Retreat, we take a weekend away at Children’s Harbor to grow together as a ministry. Along with a unique series of lessons, the weekend is filled with singing, fellowship, and of course, fun!
In early spring, we hold Guys & Girls’ Retreats. We bring in special speakers for the two retreats and the lessons are always extremely challenging but applicable. This is a great opportunity to grow closers to your Christian brothers or sisters.


Every January, over MLKJ weekend, we take a group of 120+ to Panama City Beach for a conference with more than 1,200 college students involved in campus ministries across the country. Come to GCG and experience exquisite singing, deep lessons, and fun on the beach!


Throughout the year, the ACSC hosts a plethora of events for Welcome Week, holidays, etc. Some of our classics include game nights, CG Olympics, Jams & Java, the Halloween Party, a Very Special Thanksgiving, and our Christmas Party.